Our Swedish heritage

The Swedish history of outdoor life is long and well ingrained in our culture. We call it friluftsliv, a word that describes the concept of getting outdoors but also summarises our passion for nature. It is the heart of our heritage.

Being a Swedish brand, there are several things that have shaped the way we look at nature, society and the people around us. These influences together form our brand’s heritage and act as the foundation of our behaviour; how we interact with each other, our community and the planet.

Nature - our endless playground

Always present, always close. Swedish nature is vast and varied, inviting us to explore and enjoy. It’s an endless playground. Whether you are hiking, climbing, skiing, picking berriers or camping, nature is always there for you. And there is plenty of room for everyone.


The freedom to roam

Thanks to Allemansrätten (the freedom to roam), everyone has access to nature. It’s a principle protected by the law and an asset we now take for granted. Over the years it has formed our relation to nature, as well as shaped our view on sustainability: with the freedom to roam comes great responsibility and a will to preserve.

The ability to be creative, test ideas and fail without losing everything is built into our society.

Unpredictable weather

It’s unpredictable. Sometimes horrible and sometimes wonderful. You never know what to expect. Yet we learn to endure. And maybe just because of that, weather is the most common preoccupation and topic of conversation among people in Sweden.


Equal rights and solidarity

Sweden has a strong history of equal rights, solidarity and collectivity. We are stronger together, and everyone contributes to their own ability. These cornerstones has influenced the way we relate to our fellow human beings, the world around us and what’s important in life.

Curious minds

Up until this day, Sweden is home to great inventions created by brave and curious minds. The ability to be creative, test ideas and fail without losing everything is built into our society as well as our educational systems.


Timeless, functional, simple and minimalist, yet with a great attention to details.

Timeless design

Swedish design and style is characterised by being timeless, functional, simple and minimalist, yet with a great attention to details. Do more with less. 

Quality for generations

Swedish quality comes from a history of creating things that last, that are timeless and durable. Sometimes even to the benefit of several generations.

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