An open source initiative
We created the world’s first fleece jacket designed to fight plastic waste. Then we decided to give it all away.
Meet the world's first fleece jacket designed to fight plastic waste. The innovative Polartec® fabric greatly reduces microfiber shedding and can be recycled over and over again. Stay warm and cozy while you contribute to a waste free world.
Available Sizes True Black:
Light and durable hooded fleece jacket for men. Features an innovative fabric construction that prevent microfiber shedding and is made with recycled and recyclable fibers.
295.00 CAD
177.00 CAD
Available Sizes True Black:
Light and durable hooded fleece jacket for women. Features an innovative fabric construction that prevent microfiber shedding and is made with recycled and recyclable fibers.
295.00 CAD
177.00 CAD
To enable change in our industry, we share all design work behind the Mono Air Houdi and the circular principles that Houdini is built upon.
Product design
Mono Air Houdi broken downWhat's inside the Mono Air Houdi and why? See a fully transparent run-down of all components.
Design principles
How to design circular productsLearn about our circular design concept and how it can be applied to any other product.
New business models
How to do circular businessThis is how we transform the system behind the products and create new, circular business models.
Fabric technology
Polartec® Power Air™ LightweightPolartec® has developed a revolutionizing new fabric: High performance, fully circular and with 80% reduced microfiber shedding.
Read more
The fight vs microplasticsLearn about how clothing and microplastics are connected and what we can do to help the situation.
Inspiration and researchExplore our sources of knowledge and inspiration. Reading up is the first step towards solving the problem.
Winner of ISPO Award Gold, OR Innovation Award and awarded for "Best All-Arounder" from Outside Magazine. Mono Air Houdi is an innovation both in terms of performance and sustainability.
Images, text and other press material covering the Mono Air Houdi and the open source initiative.
We will share our knowledge and collaborate with others
The Houdini Manifesto, November 2017
Houdini Sportswear. All rights reserved.