The Power of 1287
In the last fifteen years, the amount of clothes produced in the world has doubled. In the same period, the time we use those clothes has been cut in half. An avalanche of cheap, disposable garments has made the fashion industry a bigger climate problem than all air- and sea traffic combined.
In some ways, this is a very complex problem. In other ways it is incredibly simple. We need to make better products and we need to use them more.
A Houdini Power Houdi is used on average 10,2 years and 1287 times. This is over 100 times more than the average piece of clothing in the western world. If all products were designed and used the same way, we would not have a problem with overconsumption.
And the best part, it’s not even a sacrifice. This garment is good for 1287 camp nights. It can keep you warm on 1287 frosty morning runs. 1287 ski days. 1287 road trips. It will be with you for over ten years of living life to the fullest. And that is just the average. If you really want to make a difference, go for 2000 times.
The first Power Houdi was made 20 years ago. Since then, we have refined it season after season. We have set up a repair service to extend the lifespan even more. We have spent years making this product what it is. Now it’s your job to enjoy it and please – Take your sweet time doing it.
Houdini Sportswear. All rights reserved.