The world is crying for less.
Less stuff. Less pollution. Less recklessness.
But in the pursuit of less we need to do a lot more.
We need to learn more.
To love more.
We need more ideas.
More courage.
More small changes that add up to big ones.
No, we don’t need more clothes, but we need clothes that can do more.
We need more design that considers life in all its complexity.
Business that generates more than just money.
Technology that makes an actual difference.
Humans are not built to go backwards,
but we can go pretty fast when we know the right way forward.
Forward to Nature.
Upptäck milstolparna i vår resa att designa om vår bransch och världen utanför.
Läs rapporten som undersöker vårt avtryck på jorden från olika vinklar.
Upptäck milstolparna i vår resa att designa om vår bransch och världen utanför.
Läs rapporten som undersöker vårt avtryck på jorden från olika vinklar.
Houdini Sportswear. Alla rättigheter förbehålls.